This year, La Experimental celebrated its ninth anniversary. On Saturday evening, I spent a few hours in this wonderful world. Around half-past 9, I took a taxi from the city center to the mountains of Barcelona, a 40-minute ride winding through hairpin turns. Upon arrival, I looked out at a gigantic gate partially open. Luckily, I arrived just in time for one of the events, “cabaret,” where residents of La Experimental performed. This spectacle lasted over 2 hours and was open to all, free of charge. Because of the unexpected crowd, the entire staircase was filled with diverse people and animals, waiting to enter this space. At that moment, a young woman passed by with a cheerful smile, a lot of enthusiasm, and a dog bowl where she had just deposited her puke. Her actions set the tone for the evening. Despite the stench, her enthusiasm was infectious. I couldn’t wait to be let in.
Upon reaching the upper floor, the room was still crowded. A man stood at the door, reminiscent of the protagonist of ‘Pi.’He fascinated me, but it was impossible to communicate with him, as my Spanish was far from good. Upon entering the room, I saw various performances, from acrobatics to comedy, from a bubble master to a clown. Amidst the prevailing scent of weed. Following a round of enthusiastic applause and a voluntary collection by the artists (as the event was entirely free), I proceeded to explore another level. Here, the light was bright, but the people looked dark. Music was playing, food was being eaten, people were smoking and getting tattoos. People were socializing, eating, or lost in thought. This was a pleasant but also intimidating place for an outsider like me.
On the ground floor, a movie was being shown. From a quick glance, “The Naked Man” was being shown. Not a bad choice, if I say so myself. Despite the rain, I ventured outside, where a party was going on in the garden. There was a bar, DJs, and dancing people. I really liked the music and enjoyed the people around me. Similarly, a very enthusiastic and cheerful girl approached me, this time without a vomit bucket but with a large backpack. She reminded me of “Dora.” After a short cheerful conversation, she asked if I wanted to buy speed for 10 euros. After a friendly refusal, we continued “before she disappeared back into the crowd.
I glanced at the DJ performing. In front of it were two people enthusiastically engaged with each other. Drenched from the rain, they enjoyed every touch from each other. I have rarely seen something so romantic. Many people around them seemed lost in thought, immersed in the moment. As I wondered what was going on in their minds and whether I was distracting them with my camera, I booked a taxi home. As I walked to the villa’s exit looking back at the beautiful view over Barcelona and the colourful, talented and kind people, I got into the taxi. On the way to the bustling centre where no one has an idea of this magical place.